The day that 30,000 scientists rejected the climate change

There is currently little evidence that climate change is happening. However, there are still groups of people who believe that global warming is a hoax and that, in fact, is is causing global cooling, rather than warming. It is the case of researchers of the paranormal as Luis Carlos Campos, which even has books published on the subject.

Others directly deny both cooling and warming. Nothing is changing on the planet. How to tell who is right? Most will appeal to what the scientists say. But it is not so simple: what exactly is a scientist? Can a physicist speak the same way about global warming than, for example, a chemical?

In science, the majorities are not proof of anything. I.e., although it is often used the sentence "most scientists think that...", this phrase has no value on its own if it is not used as a metaphor of "most of the studies published in high impact journals, as well as the subsequent meta-analysis, suggest that...".

Science is based on evidence, evidence and experiments, and especially to know explain the concatenation of events that produced certain effect. If based on the opinion of scientists, without more (and us fiáramos of his opinions, no more), then no would be doing science, but film critics, for example.

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