The day that 30,000 scientists rejected the climate change

There is currently little evidence that climate change is happening. However, there are still groups of people who believe that global warming is a hoax and that, in fact, is is causing global cooling, rather than warming. It is the case of researchers of the paranormal as Luis Carlos Campos, which even has books published on the subject.

Others directly deny both cooling and warming. Nothing is changing on the planet. How to tell who is right? Most will appeal to what the scientists say. But it is not so simple: what exactly is a scientist? Can a physicist speak the same way about global warming than, for example, a chemical?

In science, the majorities are not proof of anything. I.e., although it is often used the sentence "most scientists think that...", this phrase has no value on its own if it is not used as a metaphor of "most of the studies published in high impact journals, as well as the subsequent meta-analysis, suggest that...".

Science is based on evidence, evidence and experiments, and especially to know explain the concatenation of events that produced certain effect. If based on the opinion of scientists, without more (and us fiáramos of his opinions, no more), then no would be doing science, but film critics, for example.

This is the faster the Galaxy star and moves to 1,200 kilometres per second

El universo no es un lugar que se mantengan estático. Todo se mueve, y además lo hace a gran velocidad, como podéis leer en La velocidad a la que se mueven todas las cosas que nos rodean (y nosotros mismos).

Ahora, según un estudio publicado en la revista Science por parte de un equipo de astrónomos dirigido por Stephan Geier del Observatorio Europeo Austral (ESO) en Garching (Alemania), sabemos qué estrella de nuestra galaxia se mueve a mayor velocidad. Y esa velocidad es nada menos que 1.200 km/s.

Esta estrella es esfera de helio compacta y de rotación rápida llamada US 708. El equipo confía en que ahora que entienden el pasado exótico de la veloz estrella, podrán aprender más sobre su evolución, así como obtener más detalles de la naturaleza de las supernovas tipo Ia, una subcategoría de estrellas variables que se producen tras la violenta explosión de una enana blanca.

Para que nos hagamos una idea de la enorme velocidad de esta estrella, mucho más elevada de lo habitual (unos cientos de metros por segundo), podría viajar de la Tierra a la Luna en cinco minutos. La razón de tanta velocidad es debida a que la estrella fue expulsada de su sistema por la explosión de una supernova y, debido a que escapará de la gravedad de la galaxia y, surcará el espacio intergaláctico sin obstáculos.

You will discover remains of beauty products in a place as remote as Antarctica

So far believed that the lotions, creams and other beauty products is degraded over time, but it seems that this is not true given the location of small amounts of volatile cyclic metilsiloxanos in soil samples, plants and also in krill and phytoplankton in various places in Antarctica using gas chromatography techniques.

The discovery has been made by the team of the CSIC, which has published their results in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

The impact of these chemicals on the environment is still unknown, and there is no explanation of why the chemicals will not break down in the atmosphere by radicals of hydroxyl highly reactive, which is what the majority of the scientific community thought that it went.

What yes has been mapped a proposed how have come these products to such remote places on Earth: after evaporating, the remains remained in the atmosphere where they mixed with the precipitation of snow. To melt the snow on the ground, products returned to the ground, reaching new plants or the sea.